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michel kremer

Born 1989 in Luxembourg.
Lives and works in Luxembourg.


2017-2019          HBK Saar, Germany, MA Fine Arts
2013-2016          Hochschule Trier, Germany, BA                                                                   Graphism Studies



2022        YLA - Young Luxembourgish Artists Vol.2,                                              Valerius Gallery Warehouse, Luxembourg
2022        HFZ Vol.2, Aalt Stadhaus Differdange,                                                      Luxembourg
2022        HFZ Vol.1, KHN Niederanven, Luxembourg
2021        Salon du CAL, Luxembourg
2020        Raus Projekt Vol.2, Hamburg, Germany
2019        Salon du Cal, Luxembourg
2018        Salon du Cal, Luxembourg
2017        Error on the wall, CAW Walferdange,                                                        Luxembourg

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Michel Kremer’s works are a surprising superimposition of several painting styles, producing a very naive and minimalistic oeuvre. The artist draws inspiration for his abstract compositions from his everyday environment; objects, buildings or purely abstract forms are superimposed and thus create a very spontaneous and unpredictable pictorial language.
The application of very wet paint creates a certain transparency and depth in the image. By combining the different elements, Michel deliberately wants to distance himself from the purely figurative painting in order to leave the viewer a free space for self-interpretation.The gritty brush strokes, from oil pastel to spray, also create an intentional child-like aesthetic in his paintings.
Slightly provocative and daring, the painter attempts to dismantle classical conservative painting by throwing the old rules overboard. In this way, he creates room for alternative and experimental techniques in his work.

TABOBLA, 2021,
100 x 80 cm,
Acrylic, aerosol & oilpastel on canvas

exhibited works

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Glabapav, 2021,
80 x 60 cm,
Acrylic, aerosol & oilpastel on canvas


Baum, 2022,
40 x 40 cm,
Acrylic & oilpastel on wood panel

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Bohoki, 2021,
80 x 60 cm,
Acrylic, aerosol & oilpastel on canvas

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Brikipi, 2021,
80 x 60 cm,
Acrylic, aerosol & oilpastel on canvas

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