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jonah bache

Exhibited in: Young Luxembourgish Artists, Vol.1

Born 1996 in Luxembourg
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany


2021-2023    Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, Studiengang

                           Textil und Oberflächengestaltung, Berlin, Germany
2017-2020     BTK - Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule,

                           Studiengang Illustration, Berlin, Germany


2020     GEH.EGE, Germany

2021    YLA - YOUNG LUXEMBOURGISH ARTISTS, Valerius                               Gallery,   Luxembourg
2019     Leudelange Postbau, Luxembourg
2019     Am Görlitzer Park, Germany
2019     De Velosbuttek, Luxembourg
2019     Hesperingen Parc, Luxembourg
2019     Springbreak Art Gallery, Luxembourg
2018     Springbreak Art Gallery, Luxembourg
2017     Beautiful Decay, Luxembourg


Jonah Bache

Algorrithmus Nr. 9, 2019,

150 x 125 cm,
Acrylic on canvas

In my paintings two different representation concepts manifest themselves. The artistic examination takes place once on a macro- and once on a microcosmic basis. Since 2019, the phenomenon of algorithms forms a central moment of my artistic concept. Algorithms permeate our modern world in an unprecedented way. We have long since ceased to speak of automated computational processes, but of increasingly autonomous actors. The algorithm, although originally developed by humans, seems to take its course through our lives completely uncontrolled and unconquerable. It seems impossible to escape its power. Our entire external world seems to function under the guidance of autonomous computer systems. The question is whether man himself has not already become a biological, pre-programmed algorithm.

The effects of the algorithms, i.e. the computer-generated decisions, not only shape our thoughts and actions, but even seem to replace our core substance. In my paintings I try to explore the relationship between algorithms and DNA structures and to give a visual, artistic embodiment to the mathematical computer systems. Thus I show, the complexity and abstraction of the scale of this still so young, scientific phenomenon. The painterly concepts are reminiscent of DNA strands or microscopic records of genetic material. These can have linear or completely uncontrolled patterns of movement. As a painter, I thus acquire the ability to form abstract embodiments already in their DNA and thus develop an a priori code. It is not about fully developed embodiments, but about the preliminary stage of their development process. By the end of 2020, the theme of internal complexity has evolved to another level. Where the earlier works were on a social and biological basis, in a new series I am dealing with more autobiographical images.

The elds of tension are an artistic representation of the inner drives and tendencies of the in- dividual. Externally, we represent a purely super cially legible instance that only hints at what is hidden within. We represent the biological embodiment of a complex black box. The inner mechanics is a highly complex, interconnected and interlocking system of different impulses.

At first glance, a homogeneous network appears on the screen, but closer inspection re- veals densely interlocking currents. One quickly recognizes that the seemingly homoge- neous structure consists of dynamic sweeps, lines and waves. The traces of various draw- ing and painting instruments keep striking out in new directions, overlapping and dissolving again in larger and smaller sweeps. On closer inspection, there are no moments of rest; the eye wanders back and forth between the various levels. The color dynamics give the impression that something is hidden behind the dense yet light structure that is dif cult to discern. But maybe it’s just the impression one gets from the competing line structures.

exhibited works


Tentionfield, 2021,

140 x 120 cm,

Acrylic on canvas

Tentionfield, 2021,

150 x 120 cm,

Acrylic on canvas

Genetic Data Stream Nr. 2, 2020,

80 x 60 cm,
Acrylic on canvas

Data Stream Nr.5, 2021,

Acrylic on canvas,
160 x 105 cm

Code 25092020, 2020,

150 x 125 cm,
Acrylic on canvas

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