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jil lahr

Born 1991 in Luxembourg
Lives and works in Hamburg, Germany


2012-2019        BA and MA in Fine Arts, Hochschule für Bildende                                Künste Hamburg, HFBK Class of Anselm Reyle


2020          CYMBALUM MUNDI, Galerie Oel-Früh, Hamburg
2018          Und auch ein Pinguin kann traurig sein, Galerie                                   Oel-Früh, Hamburg
2017          EPULUM FUNEBRE oder Leichenschmaus500,                                   Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg 2017                                                             UPPERSTATE  (Die Zeit steht), Galerie Genscher,                                 Hamburg
2016           Vaporizen am Horizont, Galerie Oel-Früh,                                                Hamburg
2015          Ich Sehe Was, Was Du Nicht Siehst, Tramschapp,                              Luxembourg
2021          YLA - YOUNG LUXEMBOURGISH ARTISTS,                                          Valerius Gallery, Luxembourg
2021          CLUB QUARANTINA, Grimmmuseum &                                                  Wildpalms, Berlin & Düsseldorf 2021 Lamu
                    Conceptual with SUPINICE, Lamu Island, Kenya
2020          Magnets for Freiraum, Museum für Kunst und                                      Gewerbe, Hamburg
2020          Fürs Gefühl with SUPINICE, Galerie Gemüse,                                        Hamburg
2020          Alle positiven Menschen Hände hoch, Strizzi                                        Space, Köln
2019          DOLCE VITA SUPINICE, Galerie Kai Erdmann,                                       Hamburg
2019           Stresspresse with SUPINICE, mom art space,                                       Hamburg
2019           In his ideal, the center of the pit was to remain                                     free of any shadows cast by the new buildings,                                   Conradi, Hamburg
2019           SALON/SALOON, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg
2019           Kosmos in Dosen, Westwerk, Hamburg
2018           Achtung SUPINICE, Galerie Oel-Früh, Hamburg
2018            Parkplatztreffen 5, Kunstverein St.Pauli x Erlkönig,                              Bremen 2018 SUPER SUPPER CLUB, Galerie der                              HFBK, Hamburg 2017 How to make lemons, The                                Wrong, Digital Biennale
2017            Eskalationsdynamiken, Galerie Loyal,                                                      documenta14, Kassel
2017            Der Mensch Muss Unter die Leute, Bräuning                                         Contemporary, Hamburg
2016            Crushtime, Galerie Speckstrasse, Hamburg
2016            HfBK Hugs VI in collaboration with Hilma                                                 Bäckström, HFBK Hugs, Hamburg
2016             Internationaler Neujahrsempfang im Salon des                                   Hauses Seepferdchens, Haus Seepferdchen, 2015                           Daylight Not Scared, Kreuzberg Pavillion, Berlin


« In my artistic work I combine different types of expressions and materials. My approach is often site-specific and I would attribute it to the bricolage principle. Through my works, I explore themes such as pataphysics, the culture of memory and the aesthetical questioning of the composition of things, including their forms, shapes and colors - which is also reflected in my paintings.
My installations works are created by selecting and combining collected objects taken from everyday life, handmade objects, drawings and paintings. Through accumulation, subtraction, but above all sacralization of the supposedly familiar, the eye is sharpened for the extraordinary that is hidden in it: Like a bow to the remnants of our everyday life, seeing the world as all-encompassing.


Together with the artist Valerie von Könemann I founded the art collective SUPINICE. SUPINICE is a social sculpture. The boundaries between art and every day life become blurred as familiar phenomena are imitated and transformed. Infused with a sense of humor, anything is turned into something else. »

exhibited works


Glück komm zurück, wir sind noch nicht am Ziel, 2019,

Ceramics / Installation


Wunderkammer (oder Rückbesinnung), 2017,

300 x 40 x 300 cm,


2019_lahr_das trauerspiel.jpeg

Das Trauerspiel, 2019, 

Various dimensions,

Hidden installation

2020_das feld ist weit_lahr.jpeg

Das Feld ist weit, 2020,

 40 × 50 cm,

Acryl auf Leinwand

Gonna Give You Up, 2018_130x180cm.jpeg

Gonna Give You Up, 2018,

130 × 180 cm,

Acrylic and oil on canvas

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