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henri schoetter

Born in 1984 in Luxembourg.
Lives and works between Luxembourg and Vienna.


2005-2010        BA Pharmacy, ULB Brussels, Belgium
2011-2016        BA Architecture, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria



2022          YLA - Young Luxembourgish Artists Vol.2,                                               Valerius  Gallery Warehouse, Luxembourg
2022           Live painting, Luxembourgish Democratic                                              Party’s Congress, Luxembourg
2021           Exhibition at designers Market “Augenschmaus”
2020           Illustrations for les Theâtres de la Ville de                                                Luxembourg
2019            Visuals for the Luxembourgish Chamber of                                            Trades, Luxembourg
2019            “The End Collective”, Rotondes, Luxembourg
2019            Designers Market “Augenschmaus’, Luxembourg

Portait Henri Schoetter
Drawing Henri Schoetter

Basketball is a place, 2021,

20 x 21 cm,
Acrylic on cardboard

Due to mother’s passion for art and design, taking him to many art fairs, exhibitions and plays, from a very young age, Henri developed a natural and intuitive interest in aesthetics and different forms of expression. Spending a lot of time with his maternal grandfather, who had a habit of explaining math
problems and practical physics via hand drawings, 6 year old Henri was fascinated with the creative power that even the slightest of pencil strokes could hold and decided to learn how to sketch freely himself. Understanding thatanalyzing the structure of matter is key to predicting an object’s shape from
any angle. Kid Henri kept practicing on an almost daily basis and soon realized that in order to have more creative freedom, he needed to learn different styles and techniques. From reproducing pictures in zoological encyclopedia to learning
how to draw Walt Disney characters from scratch over portrait drawing, manga, graffiti, various forms of illustration, photography and finally graphic design,Henri experimented with many media before going to University in Brussels to
study pharmacy.
Navigating through a tough period dealing with the loss of his parents while being unsure about his career choices, in his mid-twenties, Henri realized he wanted to be a professional creative and set out for Vienna to train as an architect.

Heavily influenced by the graphical language in architecture and widely encouraged by his university professors and peers, Henri spent more and more time drawing and designing visuals until in 2016, when, motivated by a slowly growing number of illustration jobs and commission work, he first nurtured the idea of becoming an artist and independent graphic designer.

Now living between Vienna and Luxembourg, Henri works as a self-employed illustrator and graphic designer. His illustration work is heavily influenced by social psychology, every day lives, emotional landscapes, and contemporary culture. Caring deeply about human relationships in-between themselves but also nature in a larger sense, he constantly searches for ways to express even the most dreadful observations in a manner that makes you think and second-guess what you see and what you think about the matter.

exhibited works

Lucky You, Painting Henri Schoetter

Lucky You, 2022,
100 x 80 cm,
Acrylic and oilstick on canvas

I'm In Love With the Coco, Painting Henri Schoetter

I’m in love with the coco, 2022,

100 x 80 cm,
Acrylic on canvas

Cease Art Salad, Painting Henri Schoetter

Cease Art Salad, 2022,
100 x 80 cm,
Acrylic and oilstick on canvas

Pipi an den Aen, Painting Henri Schoetter

Pipi an den Aen, 2019,
217 x 150 cm,
Acrylic, spaypaint & oilstick on paper

Drawing Henri Schoetter

Smaller fish to fry, 2021,
29 x 21 cm,
Mixed media on cardboard

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