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franky hoscheid

Born 1987 in Luxembourg.
Lives and works in Luxembourg.


2022      YLA - Young Luxembourgish Artists Vol.2, Valerius                              Gallery Warehouse, Luxembourg 2022
2022      HFZ Collective Vol.3, Kulturschapp Walferdange,                                Luxembourg
2022      HFZ Collective Vol.2, Sleeping Paradise, Aalt Stadhaus                    Differdange, Luxembourg
2022      HFZ Collective Vol.1, KHN Niederanven, Luxembourg
2021      Salon du CAL, Luxembourg
2020      Salon du CAL, Luxembourg
2019      Kulturschapp with Joel Rollinger, Walferdange,                                  Luxembourg
2018     Schwaarzt Haus, Luxembourg
2016     Temporary Art Gallery, Lorentzweiler, Luxembourg


Wrong decisions on paper 2020 - 2021,

29,7 x 21 cm,
mixed media

« My approach to art is raw and intuitive, each mark relying on a feeling and eternalizing it in mediums, bridging the gap from brain to the heart to ultimately make us feel connected to our spirit. It’s a faith based approach - hoping it all translates into the surface and that it somehow brings resolve, peace and hope in the midst of the chaos.

Born at the end of the 80s, I was raised to live and let live, to commit mistakes and to assume them. Seizing the moment while accepting the past and looking forward to the future has made me become aware of life being full of enemies and traps. This, however, has also made me stronger although those
demons seemed omnipresent.

I have completely understood that one’s personal pursuit of appreciation, apprehension and acceptance causes dissatisfaction and that one should always hope for the best, but still prepare for the worst.

It took quite some time to comprehend that one ́ s feigned life does not correspond to the life one lives and suddenly you are left breathless and you lose ground.

Having gone through a phase only caring about oneself and trying to pave one ́s
path by finding oneself, gathering one ́s thoughts and defining one ́s goal helped me to start living my life in a way I had always imagined it to be. I finally started living my dream and thus make others discover a different world than the one they know and despise. »

exhibited works

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Low Life, 2022,

200 x 220 cm,

Mixed Media

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My Broken Fingers Crossed, 2022,

200 x 170 cm,
Mixed Media

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Love All, Trust Few, 2022,

200 x 170 cm,
Mixed Media


Wrong decisions on paper 2020 - 2021,

29,7 x 21 cm,
mixed media

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